Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Deadly Crocodiles of the Nile River

The 250 million years ago evolution have produced this a giant super-efficient erectile. It's the Nile crocodile until recently diving these dangerous creatures was considered impossible but as with any predator. It's how you engage them that's the key and I'm about to put my belief to the test on and I've decided to take calculated risk. I want to die with feasting crocodiles can I approached him without being attacked will they see me as a fellow producer was potential prey cannot survive within the feeding her old I'm taking a big risk and I think people understand that. And I don't think could reflect poorly on a crocodile if it beats me people expect that to happen home, nature documentary 2016.

My name is Roger harks for the last five years have traveled Botswana's Okavango Delta finding out more about these prehistoric predators join them underwater and discovered they are not just simply stick with your skin's bill capable oven and suspected tolerance now. I want to test the ultimate acceptance by diving while feeding the idea of diving feeding crux for script into my mind when I traveled from my African home to Costa Rica in Central America. I'd gone there to find cheaters Graham the extraordinary crocodile shame in a blame on 23 years ago cheater found a sick and dying crocodile that had been shot by farmers. Slowly he nurtured this animal back to health taking many years to slowly gain animals trust. He showed me something I'm never thought possible with crocodiles Cheetos is the only person in the world to get in the water and interact with the giant croc he's even developed a game with the crocodile that mimics some it's instinctive killing techniques Black Death Rome when I saw this live love acceptance by this animal this and expect intelligence.

nature documentary 2016, I started to think that if I behaved in the right way I too could have a chance to be accepted in the water line as I watched this man and spread it together. it forced me to rethink crocodile nature and the scene was signed to set out to my quest to attempt to die me anything will be serviced am what particularly intrigued me was that some harm the Kraken tell the difference between a few cheater gives him and Cheetos hands up to come out at the salon will need to put him on mine very carefully. Chi to his work to putting fear behind him and thus crocodiles ability to pick up on his confidence to strengthen my desire to attempt to die with feeding crocodiles every winter. I returned to mall diving ground Dhaka Bangladesh out in southern Africa in the Swan live some of the biggest and most aggressive crocodiles in the world.

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