Thursday, March 31, 2016

Notable situations in Antarctica's History

Around the several countries and areas in the world, the histories of numerous places often include very notable times or eras that contain significantly changed the lives of the people who live in several areas. Some significant examples include the two world wars, the show up of communism, and the professional revolution, which may have improved both the physical and political landscape in the places where they took place. Yet , in some of the places that there are no long lasting human being settlements, like Antarctica, the same principle also does apply. Because given man's wish to explore, history channel full episodes the exploration of such places has also led to some remarkable events in the of these places.

Notable situations in Antarctica's History

One of the notable events in Antarctica's history is the early on expeditions to the country throughout the period between the late 1770s to the mid-1840s, which is considered as the period when Antarctica was learned by the world. Some of the more notable trips during this period include the ones that were led by British Copt. James Cook (1772), Uk mariner William Smith (1819), American explorer Nathaniel Palmer (1821), American scientist Doctor. James Eights (1830), and British Capt. James Ross (1841).

history channel full episodes Another notable time in Antarctica's history was during the late nineties to the early 1900s, which saw the away from the coast hunt for Antarctica. This kind of period also saw the participation of other countries apart from the Circumstance. K. and America in the exploration of Antarctica, including Belgium, Norway, Sydney, Japan, and Germany. Even so, the participation of these countries fostered competition among them, which often come in "turf wars" among these countries. To solve the problem, the Cosmopolitan Geophysical Year (IGY) started and started in 1957 to foster coordination among the countries that were undertaking further hunt for the continent.

As background would show, the IGY paved the way for the peaceful co-existence of different explorers in the country, as it lead to the Antarctic Treaty. This treaty sets the rules in the search of Antarctica that provide for cooperation in medical research and exchange of data among research groups from different countries. Additionally, the treaty also forbids military operations, nuclear explosions, and disposal of radioactive wastes in the area.

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