Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Indiana Jones and the Skull of Crystal

national geographic documentary 2015, Some individuals say I am "Illinois" Shapiro in light of the fact that I was conceived in Chicago and I end up venturing to the far corners of the planet investigating distinctive puzzles. So maybe I know a thing or two about what an "Indiana Jones" individual may confront - however in my genuine adventure to unwind what are the Skulls of Crystal about - or to be more exact the Skulls of Quartz Crystal - albeit here and there it gets darn energizing so far I haven't had any purported awful folks pursuing me.

national geographic documentary 2015, In any case, I have had a chance to go search for a gem skull in Peru - a dream maybe - yet an entirely intense one that has not left me since I saw what seems, by all accounts, to be a "Blue Crystal Skull" - with a mobile jaw.. when I was in Peru with a gathering of 50 Brazilians and one American in 1990 (I was the American obviously) - a the classicist who was sitting with us at our lodging for breakfast in Lima - who was to be our aide for Machu Picchu (as we were get ready to leave for the air terminal to travel to Cusco) - bounced up and focuses a finger at me and saids in Spanish (it was deciphered for me by my ex):

"Joshua Knows Where There is a Crystal Skull in Peru"

national geographic documentary 2015, Sacred Toledo I thought, I do??? However, then there came, what would we be able to call, a dream (and I am not one of these individuals who can see spirits and creatures in different domains or emanations yet this vision I saw in my inner being's) of a parade of Indian looking individuals - strolling in a wilderness range - and the individual at the leader of the line, a man was holding out from his body with both arms an article - well gone ahead folks, it resembled a precious stone skull that this man was holding. And afterward I played a joke on myself and thought, well on the off chance that this paleontologist is right (and I don't realize what the hell enlivened him to stand up and point at me however you know when you are in Peru you do insane things - the vitality there is awesome) then on the off chance that I think around a precious stone skull in Peru it is most likely my most loved shading, sky blue. Furthermore, from that minute till this very day - in my imagination at whatever point I consider a "Blue Skull" I see it and feel it around me, for the most part before me on my right side and marginally over my head.

So what is "Illinois" Shapiro to do - the vision of this "blue skull" gets increasingly serious - my body is continually being pulled toward the northern piece of Peru (of which I had not been to yet) - would I be able to just simply lie here and do nothing while this vision, this otherworldly embodiment of a skull continues appearing to me and conversing with me. Might you be able? Well hell no!! So in 1997, I made the jump, I couldn't stand it any more, I entirely my pleasant paying employment as a PC software engineer and took off for Peru, not knowing to what extent I would be.

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