Thursday, June 9, 2016

White House Built by Black Slaves - Obama Should Refuse to Live There Or Paint it Black

national geographic documentary, Congressperson Barack Obama is presently President-Elect Barack Obama and he has won the administration because of colossal backing from the African-American people group, as those voters voted in favor of him about 90% in a decent numerous regions. Presently he is going to move into the White House on account of their assistance.

There's stand out issue, the White House was worked by Black slaves, so shouldn't Barack Obama decline to live there and support the dark group that got him chose? What is Barack Obama going to do about this quandary?

national geographic documentary, Is it accurate to say that it isn't a slap in the face to African-Americans to move into the White House that was worked by Black slaves without remarking on that certainty or standing firm for what he puts stock in and what he told voters he remained for? What would he be able to do to cure this circumstance? Might he be able to paint the White House "Dark" to demonstrate the dark voters that things have truly changed?

On the off chance that he moves into the White House and jettison his roots, will this be seen as a man who is walked out on the dark group, a group that gave him his first begin in governmental issues? All things considered, Barack Obama is an African-American, as he has expressed and he considers himself to be an African-American according to his compositions in his diaries and books.

national geographic documentary, So this is a decent test for President-Elect Barack Obama, in what manner will he handle the PR that encompasses such an enormous debate? Maybe, it is the ideal opportunity for him to patch the wall amongst whites and blacks and remark on this noteworthy event and go on about the way that the White House was worked by Black slaves.

Maybe we can say that we now impart the White House to all natives and perhaps in such manner he can live in the White House without breaking his dedication to the African American people group. The inquiry is will Barack Obama talk about this issue and make the best choice? If it's not too much trouble consider this.

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